Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas impressions

It is almost x-mas. I have to be honest to say I am not really a big fan of the holidays myself. I don't really like the family gatherings and such. They all seem so fake to me. Having that said, one aspect I do enjoy of x-mas are the lights everywhere and the trees. They just make the world seem a little bit nicer in the dark winter time. Therefore I am posting some pretty, magical or funny x-mas pictures to enjoy :)

By: Mikolaj Kamienski

Disney castle :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Creative journaling

I really love to draw! But I always thought I couldn't (and still do sometimes). This of course blocks the creativity a lot and then you really cant draw. While doing my spiritual drawing course I learned that there is no beautiful or ugly and that everything that comes on the paper is right. There is no wrong, no judgement. And most of the time I really am surprised what I have drawn. Of course I would like to learn to draw more shapes and techniques now, but I no longer think I can't draw at all.

A way to make drawing a part of your daily life can be creative journaling. It is something I came across while browsing the web. And I think I will try it. I think it will be good for me :) There seem to be a lot of books on the subject and I yet have to decide if I will be going to buy such a book to help me getting started.

I would only buy the book to borrow ideas though because the only things you need are a blank book and some pens and pencils. Nice add ons can be stickers and magazines to cut in. But some assignments to start with or subjects can stimulate the creativity. But it can be as simple as describing your week in pictures. See what moves you that week. I have also seen creative alphabets.

But before you can get started you need to let the blockage go. So just grab a piece of paper and some colored pencils. Just pick a color intuitive and start making doodles on the paper without the thought it needs to become something. Just let the pencil slide over the paper, change colors when you want to and let your picture take shape. There is no right or wrong. Just let it flow.

When you are done it is always fun to look at the drawing from a distance. What does it mean to you? Does it look different now? Try to write down some words that come to mind while looking at the picture. As with the drawing, it is important not to judge, just write down what first comes to mind. Then make a poem out of these words and write it in your drawing or on the back of it. Or just write some lose words if you don't want to make a poem.

Try to be creative at least once a week. It is a great way of relaxing! And also to get some perspective where you stand in live, what is important to you. The most important thing is that you have fun doing it! :)