Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas impressions

It is almost x-mas. I have to be honest to say I am not really a big fan of the holidays myself. I don't really like the family gatherings and such. They all seem so fake to me. Having that said, one aspect I do enjoy of x-mas are the lights everywhere and the trees. They just make the world seem a little bit nicer in the dark winter time. Therefore I am posting some pretty, magical or funny x-mas pictures to enjoy :)

By: Mikolaj Kamienski

Disney castle :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Creative journaling

I really love to draw! But I always thought I couldn't (and still do sometimes). This of course blocks the creativity a lot and then you really cant draw. While doing my spiritual drawing course I learned that there is no beautiful or ugly and that everything that comes on the paper is right. There is no wrong, no judgement. And most of the time I really am surprised what I have drawn. Of course I would like to learn to draw more shapes and techniques now, but I no longer think I can't draw at all.

A way to make drawing a part of your daily life can be creative journaling. It is something I came across while browsing the web. And I think I will try it. I think it will be good for me :) There seem to be a lot of books on the subject and I yet have to decide if I will be going to buy such a book to help me getting started.

I would only buy the book to borrow ideas though because the only things you need are a blank book and some pens and pencils. Nice add ons can be stickers and magazines to cut in. But some assignments to start with or subjects can stimulate the creativity. But it can be as simple as describing your week in pictures. See what moves you that week. I have also seen creative alphabets.

But before you can get started you need to let the blockage go. So just grab a piece of paper and some colored pencils. Just pick a color intuitive and start making doodles on the paper without the thought it needs to become something. Just let the pencil slide over the paper, change colors when you want to and let your picture take shape. There is no right or wrong. Just let it flow.

When you are done it is always fun to look at the drawing from a distance. What does it mean to you? Does it look different now? Try to write down some words that come to mind while looking at the picture. As with the drawing, it is important not to judge, just write down what first comes to mind. Then make a poem out of these words and write it in your drawing or on the back of it. Or just write some lose words if you don't want to make a poem.

Try to be creative at least once a week. It is a great way of relaxing! And also to get some perspective where you stand in live, what is important to you. The most important thing is that you have fun doing it! :)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Mandala drawing

Mandala means circle. It is a drawing form that is known for ages already but comes to the attention of more and more people. There are mandalas with symmetrical patterns as well as drawings of all kinds in a circle. And sometimes people colors outside the circle too. The possibilities are endless.

I really enjoy working in a circle myself. If gives a sort of boundary, but sometimes I cross the boundary, sometimes I make the boundary more visible. But drawing within a circle gives me a lot of peace somehow. And I really enjoy making drawings like that.

The fun thing is that by coloring mandalas or drawing them you can make such beautiful creations. Every time I finish one, I am surprised that I am really the one who made that! Therefore it is good for my ego too ;) Another thing I enjoy about it is that I can just let it all go, I don't have to think, I can just go with the flow and see what shape things take on its own.

PS: These are not my mandalas. Just some mandalas I find very inspiring :) If you want to color your own, there are plenty to be found on the web. Or just draw a circle on a piece of paper and start drawing or coloring. I am still looking for a nice mandala coloring book though, suggestions are welcome :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Butterfly cupcakes

When I was browsing for butterfly related things, I found these awesome looking cupcakes:

I really love decorated cupcakes. They always make me so happy! The downside is that it also make me hungry ;)

To my surprise there was a complete tutorial on how to make cupcakes like these so I decided to share it here :) Look for it here on Annies Eats.

Monday, November 23, 2009


The Smurfs are little blue people who live in magic mushrooms. Think about it.

By Aleksandr Batura

By Hakki Yesillik

All mushrooms are edible - once.

As the rain sputters
into winter, mushrooms
pop their umbrellas.

Lorie Ann Grover, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

X-mas project: Cookie jar!

I saw this on the Shabby Chic Crafts blog. And I am so inspired by the idea! This is a low budget x-mas present that I would be very happy receiving. It are the ingredients for x-mas cookies in a jar! I think this idea is so awesome that I just had to repost it! Just click on the original blog for all the supplies and directions :) And have fun! I know I will ;)

Flowers for cheering up

I haven't had the best day today, so I am a bit down. However this is the time when I need inspiration and comfort the most. I mostly find it in nature. The beauty that is found there almost instantly calms me down. So today I post pictures from Lotus flowers and waterlilies.

“You must be a Lotus, unfolding its petals when the Sun rises in the sky, unaffected by the slush where it is born or even the water which sustains it!” - Sri Sathya

“You are the pool, and You are the soul-swan. You are the lotus flower of the day and You are the water-lily of the night. You Yourself behold them, and blossom forth in bliss.” - Sri Guru Granth Sahib

The Lily by William Blake
The modest Rose puts forth a thorn:
The humble Sheep. a threatning horn:
While the Lily white, shall in Love delight,
Nor a thorn nor a threat stain her beauty bright

Sunday, November 15, 2009


By Carina Sirbu

I really don't like the rain. I can enjoy a summer shower, but in autumn and winter I'd rather stay in.
I hate getting all cold and wet. Chelsea shares my opinion about this but the clients she work with have another perspective on rainy days.
This really inspired me to try and find the beauty of rainy days.

Some people actually do get inspired by the rain. Like Sheree who made a rain bento.

To see more of her bento's go here
Or this funny piece of cat art by Eric Barclay

Todays lesson:

Some beautiful nature caps:

By Dormik

By Don Paulson

By Irina Savkina

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Live with the seasons: enjoy autumn!

Here are some ways to enjoy the autumn days making use of the beauty that nature brings us this season. Make sure you spend some time outdoors before it gets too cold. Winter will be there before you know it, so make sure you make use of this pretty time of year :)

Help the animals and put up strings with nuts, food for the birds or take your old bread to the pond to feed the ducks.

Try homemade soup:
Grab some of your favorite veggies, like sweet potatoes, corn, broccoli, pumpkin, peas, spinach and so on.
Mix it with a tasty stock and you are all set up. If you mix in some beans or pasta you have a very balanced meal which you can eat for lunch, dinner or freeze for later. You can also try to cook with the veggies and fruits from the season. There are tons of delicious autumn recipes out there.

Collect autumn leaves and other souveniers and get creative! Make a fall table, paint with leaves, make funny men from chestnuts, remember what you liked to do when you were a child!

Look here for some more ideas.

Enjoy a walk in a nearby forest and photograph everything around you! For some free fun rake up a pile of leaves and jump in it! Throw leaves at your friends. Search for other free autumn related activities in your neighborhood.

Make your home more cozy:
Buy some cute lamps and fall decorations! Decorate your house in style. Also get a few fleece blankets to wrap yourself in when you are cold. It is also a great time to stock up on candles again.
Like this autumn themed kitchen here or a livingroom.

Make a list of books you still want to read or movies you want to watch. Those long fall nights are perfect for quiet indoor activities.

Go apple picking and bake apple pie. Then eat it warm from the oven.

Some autumn captures

I don't really like the Autumn weather but I love the colors! Before the season turns to winter I really wanted to share some autumn captures, because it is the most beautiful time of the year! After some detours (which you can see the results of in yesterdays posts) I finally managed to not get distracted :) So here are some details of autumn by Harris Hui.

I really love his animal photos. I think they are brilliant. Squirrels are definitely one of the cutest animals around! And an autumn icon. Toadstools is another aspect of autumn I really enjoy. I am always looking for them when I go out for walks since I think they are so beautiful.